Shira received a belated Birthday gift from the Phils this year... the NL East Crown! The last team the Phils won the east the team was full of mullets. This magical run takes away some of the hurt from the Phils 1964 collapse with Gene Mauch.
While the Mets franchise still can't seem to notch its first no-hitter, Tom Glavine picked up historic win #303. Here's one of three pics i snatched of Glavine from the Phillies Hall of Fame.
While seated at the Rogers Centre it dawned upon me that It was the sixth stadium I had visited at least twice. Yankee Stadium and Shea are the obvious ones. Ive been to both the Vet and Citizens Bank at least twice. Camden Yards is the sixth. If you want to get technical I saw two games at Wrigley, but it was a doubleheader.