I won't forget the past year anytime soon! Cyrus entered our lives in January and we moved in the summer. Maintaining a few blogs became difficult, but as the end of the year comes my urge to document things has me writing. We've been blessed with a good little guy, a fun soul. As expected his birth has put many things in perspective. I'm looking forward to taking him to games to watch his excitement. We will have annual trips to Philadelphia and maybe I'll take him to Yankee Stadium when he's a teen. I'm fortunate to have Shira as a wife, she's put up with traveling the U.S. to see games with me. Typically if there are birds or an art museum we both can have a day on vacation. Looking forward to the coming years, I know there will be ups and downs but I have my family to keep me happy!
December 28, 2009
Thank you '09
I won't forget the past year anytime soon! Cyrus entered our lives in January and we moved in the summer. Maintaining a few blogs became difficult, but as the end of the year comes my urge to document things has me writing. We've been blessed with a good little guy, a fun soul. As expected his birth has put many things in perspective. I'm looking forward to taking him to games to watch his excitement. We will have annual trips to Philadelphia and maybe I'll take him to Yankee Stadium when he's a teen. I'm fortunate to have Shira as a wife, she's put up with traveling the U.S. to see games with me. Typically if there are birds or an art museum we both can have a day on vacation. Looking forward to the coming years, I know there will be ups and downs but I have my family to keep me happy!
October 26, 2009
Phillies vs. Yankees 2009
When I look at the 2009 World Series matchup of the Phillies and Yankees I can only feel sorry for Mets and Indians fans. Back in 2007, the Tribe and Metropolitans were on the verge of huge success only to run into hard times. If 2007 seems like too long ago let me remind you. The Mets suffered through their first of two epic September collapses and the Indians led the ALCS 3-1 to Boston. This past season was equally unkind to them and the 2009 World Series is just one more kick in the pants to both beleaguered franchises. Congrats to the Phils and Yanks you each get to trot out a Former Indian Cy Young Winner for Game 1 of the World Series. If a Phillies- Yankees World Series wasn’t enough to make a Mets fan blood boil there is the added factor of Pedro. Since Cole Hamels has pulled a disappearing act it looks likely that Pedro will pitch Game 2 at Yankee Stadium.
The Phils, winners of a Yankee-like 16 of their last 20 playoff games, defeated C.C. Sabathia in last years NLDS when he willed my Brew Crew to the playoffs. This year C.C. is not as gassed as he has been in prior seasons, so while the Yanks have loused up the Joba situation they've handled their Sabathia investment wisely. The winner of this matchup will join the Red Sox as two-time Champions in the 2000s. The Yanks try to join the Cards as a team who won the title in the first season of a new stadium.
Below I rank the Yanks and Phils in categories that I feel will be crucial to victory.
- Class Act, Quiet Leader (Ryan Howard vs Derek Jeter) I've been saying for days that whoever gets colder first (A-rod or Howard ) will cost his team a title. But it's Jeter who Howard is like in that he has been postseason clutch in more than one series and he doesn't give the press much ammo. Slight edge to Jeter in that he has four titles to one.
-Mascot (Phillie Phanatic vs Freddy Sez) Is this even a matchup? The Phanatic takes this one hands down over the Yanks one-eyed pot wielder. Edge Phillies.
-Top of the Order Spokesman (J-Roll vs Damon) Both always speak up with the quotes, but it's their bat talking that will take their teams further. Edge to Phils, I still say Rollins has a smoking hot series in him.
-Closer (Mariano vs Lidge) The all-time greatest closer vs The all-time roller coaster closer. Amazingly this is Lidge's third WS, his first was with the Astros. While he seems to have been effective of late the back of his baseball card pales in comparison to Mo. Edge Yanks.
-Infield hitting. Think about 7 of the 8 infielders in this series are allstars. A-rod has 3 MVP's, while Rollins and Howard each have one for the Phils. This season I take the Yanks left side of the infield over Philly, but I take the Phils right side over Cano & Tex. I'm talking offense & not taking into account Utley's poor throws vs LA. Even.
-Cleveland Aces. Cliff Lee vs CC Sabathia. It looks like CC will be going thrice. Lee will probably go 1 & 5. Which leaves a possible Hamels vs CC in potential game 7. CC will get two wins but not be as dominant as prior rounds. Edge Yankees.
I don't know who to pick but I will say this is the first time I ever saw the two World Series teams play each other during the season (thanks Cid, Gerry & Interleague!) I do know this it will go six games and not seven. Enjoy!
October 24, 2009
Phil In the Blank...
2009 World Series! Philadelphia Phillies vs. __________________. It's incredible to believe that the first team in pro history to 10,000 losses has won 16 of their last 20 playoff games and is returning to the World Series. The Phils will try to become the 4th NL team to repeat as World Series winner. They will play the Yanks or the Angels. I'm sure you know who I'm rooting for, but when Shira and I saw the Phils & Yanks play months ago I had a feeling they might meet in September. The Phils team is one of the toughest in my lifetime and I'm sure it'll be a fantastic matchup in the WS. Enjoy the games!
October 7, 2009
Sign of Things to Come?
Sorry Yankee fans I don't have access to a time machine. This is not a picture from the 2009 World Series. I took this a few months ago from our five inning excursion to new Yankee Stadium. A friend from work has season seats and she thought of Shira and I because of the Phils. We jumped at the offer and at that point it was the longest Shira had gone without Cyrus. We've since been to a wedding and a U2 concert. The Phils took their first step in the '09 playoffs with a win today vs. the Rox. The Yanks are playing the miracle Twins at this moment. I'll post more pics from the Phils-Yanks game we went to. Rollins homered on the first pitch of the game by the way.
October 4, 2009
Cyrus Stadium #1
This is one of my favorite pictures of Cyrus. What was neat about the scoreboard was that when the Giants batted there was a pic of the Golden Gate Bridge behind the players. As you may know I proposed to Shira on the Golden Gate. Someday we'll take Cyrus out there to see the Bridge (and a game!)We stayed five innings for this game during our annual trip to Citizens Bank. In total I went to three games this season. But we made sure Cyrus' first was in Philly!
October 3, 2009
Cyrus and the Playoffs
It's amazing that the past 12 memorable months have blazed by so quickly. It seems like two days ago Shira and I ventured to see the Phils begin their playoff run in 08. Then I hopped on a plane to meet up with Dave in Milwaukee for Game 3 of the LDS. All this taking place while Shira was pregnant with our baby to be! Now it's the 09 Playoffs!?! Cyrus is here to root on the Phils, but my Brewers will be sitting this one out. After last years events I really can't complain. Just hoping that the playoffs are little more exciting than the past six weeks of anti-climatic baseball we've seen. Cyrus will have little memories of the 08 and 09 playoffs but that'll be a story for him someday.
September 5, 2009
2009 Young Cy Award Winner
I guess the reason I've seldmomly blogged on this page in 2009 is because Cyrus was born in January and we moved in July! What a whirlwind of excitement the past twelve months have been from summer 08 to summer 09. In the process, the Phillies won the title, Cyrus was born on the day of Obama's inauguration, Jaxon was born in May, and the aformentioned move by our family. As of now the Phils look like a serious contenders but the Brewers have had not enjoyed the same success as '08. Oh well maybe by the time Cyrus is 25 they'll be ready for the playoffs again.
Uncle Vinnie
if you are reading this now there is a good chance you did not know I had an Uncle Vinnie. one reason is since he moved away from the area about 10 years ago i havent seen uncle vinnie much. the other reason is that uncle vinnie was not really my uncle, he worked with my dad for years, was a family friend and honorary uncle
uncle vinnie was the only person who could walk into my dad's garden and help himself to tomatoes. no one else could get away with that. but most importantly uncle vinnie accompanied us on many trips to Yankee Stadium. we would pick him up in Yonkers and drive down the concourse through the beaches of "cape cod, NY" and arrive at the home of Uncle Vinnie's beloved Yanks. he was a perfect companion for my dad and bro as he would tell us stories and jokes and accompany rit on his many trips to the restroom. I can't remember too many particulars of the games but i remember my love for baseball (but not the Yanks) being born out of these trips to the stadium with my dad, rich and uncle vinnie. there would be other trips with my sister, mom and friends but going with Uncle Vinnie always bore a special signifigance. the last game we went to was a game between the Yanks & Mariners in which both teams had young up and coming shortstops(jeter & arod).
uncle vinnie and his wife aunt mercy would always think of us on their trips to the actual cape cod by bringing us back t-shirts. my mom and dad would occasionally visit him when he moved there and we'd hear from him on holidays. this morning i learned uncle vinnie passed away and a shard of my childhood flashed before my eyes. would i have loved baseball as much or visited all those stadiums without my initial trips to the bronx with dad, rich and uncle vinnie...probably not.
January 1, 2009
Winter Classic

And so 2009 "The Year of the Babies" begins! Rich is returning from Florida and we celebrated a low key New Years. Shira and I just watched some TV last night. The quiet before the storm. Today I watched the Red Wings win at Wrigley Field 6-4. It reminded me of my view from section 226, row 7, seat 101 on August 25, 2000 vs the Dodgers.
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