November 22, 2011

Houston, We Have Realignment

Yount Statue circa 2008 NLDS
  • Ryan Braun is the first Brewer MVP since Robin Yount won twice in the 1980s. A member of the first-place Milwaukee Brewers and signed through the year 2020, Braun finished ahead of Triple Crown threat Matt Kemp of the .500 Dodgers. Prince Fielder finished third as he heads out of town. The job to bat behind the 30-30 Braun will most likely fall upon a free agent like Derek Lee or all-star Rickie Weeks.
  • As we edit our book, Bobby Valentine is close to becoming the Red Sox manager. The Stamford resident might get the job before our deadline to submit the book. Dale Sveum becomes the Cubs manager. Who knew when he was busy filling in for the Brewers 2008 playoff run that he'd become a hot commodity. Wally Backman is been bumped up to AAA Mets team.
  • The sale of the Astros is complete and they will be moved to the AL giving each league 15 teams and making interleague play a daily part of the MLB schedule. The Marlins have a new look while the Blue Jays went back to their old look. A new CBA has been reached by MLB giving them 21 straight years of labor peace.
  • Juniper and Cyrus are doing fantastic. Cyrus keeps improving his language and sense of humor while Juniper approaches her third week on planet Earth. Shira is a super-mom superhero.

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